
ArchLord Knight Guide for Episode 3

LVL 1-10 Up to lvl 5 you only have to kill some mobs or do some quest (that will be very fast)then go back in the city and buy a weapon by the AH (Auction House) you can also look for a armor but you don't need one . On lvl 8 go again back to the city and buy a Rare 2 handed-weapon by the AH and a Rare Armor .From some quests you will get item's with you can sell for more than 1k so look by the AH for how much you can sell them . Also learn the Skill Bellow .On lvl 10 you can learn your fist AOE Linear Blow .
LVL 11-20If you get a good amor on lvl 15 you can go in the Tomb . So lvling there up to lvl 20 .
LVL 21-26on lvl 20 go to Biltmos in Tullan and make the Quest on lvl21 there will be another Quest where you get very much XP so will get very fast up to lvl 23Save your Money !! :) You will need it so grind by mobs in the tomb which are 2-3 lvl lower then you but take a lot of them .Red Mark in the picture there is a good spot for lvl 15-21,then go to the next floor.


On lvl 26 you can buy a new Armor , Armorlook after one with physical resitance prayer stone lvl 2 and Armor Stones , if you have enough money look by the Unique ArmorGauntletslook by the Elite sometimes there are very cheap one .The green stats aren't important on this lvl .Make lvl 3 or lvl2 elemantary stones in it .It is good when you have mix of all elemants only when you have to kill the dragon in the mine you need 2 lvl2-3 fire elematary stones in your Gauntlets .Greave Look by the Rare Greaves and look for greaves with physical resistance +3 or better and a lvl 2 physical resistance prayer stone in it . Also the Armor need a high Physical Defense Power . BootsAs the Gauntlets .Also improve your skills :


LVL 27-34Ok on LVL 30 you can do a Quest by Cosmos in Tullan on lvl 31,32 and 33 you will get there a very good quest and you have to kill the Dragon in the Mine when you have done the this quests you get an Attack Prayer Stone lvl 3 , sell the stone ! and buy a new Unique Weapon on lvl 29 .Skills up to lvl 34 (PvE) :


LVL 35-43Buy a new armor for lvl 35.Now you have to grind , grind and grind .So improve your Skills and collect and keep your Money .Skill like that , you can use the 2 left points to improve Hook


LVL 44-49Buy a Unique Armor and Greave , if you have enough money buy them with lvl 3 stones and +8 or better .On lvl 47 i would use a Blunt because now the Blunts have nearly so good damage like the 2 handed weapons and you have enough AOE's .so use one Retun Orb or reset all and skill like that for PvE :


For PvP change on attack in to Stun Shock and learn Stun Protection .
So when you use now a Blunt you need also a Shield for PvE you need a Turtle Shield with 2 slots and 2 lvl 3 Blocking Accuracy Prayer Stones .For PvP you can use a Shield that is only for lvl 20 when it has +4% Diziplin or better (as green stat) and a lvl 3 Skill Block Prayer Stone +8% Disziplin ( I use a Kite Shield with +6% Disziplin with 2 Slots , one Skill Block Prayer Stone lvl 3 and one Shield Attack Prayer Stone lvl 3 , but this is very very very rare and i think it give no shield with more Disziplin ) .
To the Blunt : Look for a Blunt with 6 Slots or more took 3 Attack Prayer Stones lvl 3 and 3 Elematary Stones lvl 3 or 4. General you can said that Elemantary Stones are for PvP and Attack Prayer Stones for PvE so if you buy a Blunt with 8 slots for PvP use more Elemantary Stones if you have Blunt, 8 Slots, for PvE use more Attack Prayer Stones .
Example, this weapon is better for PvP than PvE :


LVL 50-56Ok on lvl 52 you can buy a new Armor .Armor When you buy a good armor you must have around 55 Physical Defense and in the armor you need a Physical Resistance Prayer Stone lvl 3 , for PvP it is good when you have Disziplin +x% as a green stat.GauntletsAgain Unique or elite and you can do one Light Speed Prayer Stone lvl 3 in it and one Elemantary Stone . It is better when the green stats are higher .GreaveYou have to buy a Greave with one lvl 3 Skill Block Prayer Stone (for PvP) and one Physical Resistance Prayer Stone (for PvE ) look for a greave with green stat : Physical Resistance +4% or betterOK i have on example here , a greave for PvP :


but this greave is better for PvE , because it have more Physical Resistance :


For PvE the boots need Block +3% or better . If want to farm use boots with one Lucky Prayer Stone in it and also one lvl 4 Elementary Stone or with a Quickness Prayer Stone
Must have all stats +6 or better and when you get , also with elemantary Resistance +x% make one Staminia Stone in it or a Might Prayer Stone (it is a bug that you can do them in a helmet but you can do it )
Use Ring of Transcendence with +6 or better and a Might Prayer Stone or a Staminia Prayer Stone . Or if you have a Unique Ring use it .
Normaly for PvE i would use a Necklace with all stats +8 and wings in it , for PvP i Would use a Necklace of Legend with 15% Elemantary Resistance .If you have a Unique Necklace you should use it
Skills :


LVL 57-63 Buy a New Shield and Weapon on lvl 63 and new armor on lvl 60


LVL 64-72 Again buy new item's and improve your skills :


lol and LVL 73-90 you can Skill like that :


Sry the link is not correct , I can't change it but Aftershock also on 5 .I wouldn't skill on critical Attack because the new attacks are so strong .I hope that i get Elitemembership for that .P.S. Anyone from Germany here in the Forum ?

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