
KO knight online:KO money guide

1. By far, the most used and effective method is buy low/sell high. Get aquainted with the market. If the market is in decline like it is now, PM the person and sway them into a cheaper price before buying an item. Yes, even five million even helps. 2. Seek people who are selling items through the chat box. Most of those people are desperate to get their items away and you can persuade them at a lower price which you can sell later. 3. Renting! A new feature brought on by the expansion in which you are able to rent your items for up to 24 hours. This is a great way to make pocket money. Also, I heard fossils sell for around 250k. 4. NP Metals. Trade in your national points for NP metals and use those to get unique items. However, choose this wisely because you may need these valuable points for your clan. 5. Magic Armor. 6. Do NOT take your chances with the anvil especially when I hear that there is decreasing chances of success since the expansion. If you do, you just may end up quitting! 7. Use the buying merchant feature to get the items you want for what you're willing to pay for! 8. Forgotten Temple/BDW. This is an easy way of making money. By attending low lvl FT, you may get a green chest, high lvl FT wins you a blue chest, and BDW wins reward you with a red chest. I realize some people like Sammy cannot attend these events due to different time zones. (FT enabled) 9. Bifrost fragments. As your level increases, you will have a better chance of making money. That is because you can go to bifrost (not dying in the process) and farm frags with an organized clan. (Bifrost disabled) 10. Juraid Mountain. This event is limited to lvl 70+ but gems can get you a hefty some of money if you can enter this event once or twice a day. If you are one of the lucky ones, you may get a unique which would severly boost up your coins. (i.e. Howling Rooster, Lillime's Enticement) 11. Boss events/Boss runs. Although not so often nowadays, there were numerous amounts of boss events back in the days. Yes, the bosses DO DROP uniques in boss events although you may have killed bach and asked yourself why it didn't drop a rol. I have killed a Felankor myself and you can guess what I got. ^^ Also, boss runs after server maintenance or spot checking for bosses in CZ or Ardream is a nice way to get money if it is actually a good drop. Note: Bach, Bishop, and Duke have been replaced with Dulian, Jersey, and Query. These are different monsters (and much harder!) but drops the same items. Dulian Jersey Query 12. More time merchant/ less time PK. 13. Abyss BUS. Once you have a hefty sum of money (~400m), you can go to the abyss and buy BUS scrolls at a discount price of 2.4m each. Regular price goes for 2.6m each. If you buy 200 BUS and sell them for 2.5m each, you will make 20m. I recommend using this method when the market is unstable because it retains a steady cash flow. (Letters are enabled) 14. Tax Rate 0%. Occasionally, the clan that controls the Delos castle would lower the tax rate to 0% so that the clans can pot up with no tax. This is the perfect opportunity to buy soul pots at Delos for 13.5k each compared to normal price at 16k and arena price at 15k. 15. Spammable Moradon quests. As a rogue, you can spam the lard orc quest (without actually turning in the quest) and you will end up with several cleavers +5. It's a great way for newcomers to make money even though it may be a small amount. Such as the lard orc quest or the lvl 46 burning skeleton quest which is now spammable up to lvl 50. Level 46 Burning Skeleton Quest: Warrior = +3/30 Glave Mage = +3/30 Salamander Priest = +3/30 Totamic club Rogue = +3/30 Mirage Dagger / Iron XBow You have a choice of weapons or shields, the above listing is the weapons only. 16. Farming FP +5. Many have recommended this idea because DTS/DTC do drop a good amount of full plate armors. I've never really done this myself but although tedious, you may end up with some cash under your belt. 17. MP Recovery Weapons. As much as I have played around with these weapons, I have found it to be extremely helpful if you have a higher level character that uses an mp recovery weapon. This saves the use of soul pots and in turn, saves you money. 18. Priest's HP Pots. If you happen to be a priest at level 60+, you're able to make pots cheaper. Some people have said they made 100m in 3 hours with this method. This is a very easy way to make money as a priest. 19. Be the first to obtain cursed weapons! This will be a tough task but if you're one of the few who can stack them up on merchant, you will make lots of money. 20. Power of Kings. Kings have the power to distribute money. Occasionally, they will give out 1m or 5m coins. PM him/her and you might be the lucky one. 21. Fight for the money! If you're desperate for money, going to wars may actually help if you just started. For capturing/recapturing monument, your nation will award you with 200k noah. I recommend this option only if you seriously run out of other options.

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